
fast protein liquid chromatography中文是什么意思

  • 快速蛋白液相色谱法,快速蛋白质液相色谱法
  • 快速蛋白质液相层析



  • 例句与用法
  • The xerocomus spadiceus lectin , xsl , was isolated from extracts of fruiting bodies of the mushroom xerocomus spadiceus using a procedure that involved ( nh4 ) 2so4 precipitation , anion exchange chromatography on deae - cellulose , affinity chromatography on affi - gel blue gel , cation exchange chromatography on cm - cellulose , and gel filtration by fast protein liquid chromatography on superdex 75
    从砖红绒盖牛肝菌( xerocomusspadiceus )子实体粗提物中,经过deae -纤维素阴离子交换层析、 affi - gelbluegel亲和层析、 cm -纤维素阳离子交换层析和superdex75fplc凝胶过滤,纯化了砖红绒盖牛肝菌凝集素。
  • 百科解释
Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), is a form of liquid chromatography that is often used to analyze or purify mixtures of proteins. As in other forms of chromatography, separation is possible because the different components of a mixture have different affinities for two materials, a moving fluid (the mobile phase)mobile phase can contain imidazole which passes through a porous solid (the stationary phase).
  • 推荐英语阅读
fast protein liquid chromatography的中文翻译,fast protein liquid chromatography是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译fast protein liquid chromatography,fast protein liquid chromatography的中文意思,fast protein liquid chromatography的中文fast protein liquid chromatography in Chinesefast protein liquid chromatography的中文fast protein liquid chromatography怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
